To prevent campaign tarpaulins from ending in dumps, the EcoWaste Coalition today received from the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) some 250 pieces of seized poll materials that will be repurposed into useful items.
At a simple ceremony held at the agency’s headquarters, MMDA General Manager
Corazon Jimenez and MMDA Metro Parkway Clearing Group Francis Martinez turned
over the tarpaulins to the environmental watchdog group, which is working with
the government to promote “Basura-Free Elections.”
The tarpaulins were among the truckloads of illegal campaign materials removed
by the MMDA from foot bridges, lamp posts, cable wires and trees following the
launch of the “Operation Baklas” last February 9.
by the MMDA from foot bridges, lamp posts, cable wires and trees following the
launch of the “Operation Baklas” last February 9.
“The seized campaign materials are valuable resources that should be put to
good use,” said Aileen Lucero, Coordinator, EcoWaste Coalition, who also
acknowledged the MMDA’s ongoing efforts to take down unlawful poll publicity
materials without fear or favor.
good use,” said Aileen Lucero, Coordinator, EcoWaste Coalition, who also
acknowledged the MMDA’s ongoing efforts to take down unlawful poll publicity
materials without fear or favor.
“It will be such a huge waste if these illegal election paraphernalia are
buried in landfills. We can and we should find appropriate uses for
them,” she said.
buried in landfills. We can and we should find appropriate uses for
them,” she said.
For example, tarpaulins can be repurposed into coin purses, pouch bags, grocery
bags and beach bags.
bags and beach bags.
Tarpaulins can also be sewn into mail and shoe organizers, worker’s aprons,
tool belts, laundry baskets and even as receptacles for office or household
tool belts, laundry baskets and even as receptacles for office or household
The EcoWaste Coalition will collaborate with community-based organizations in
making prototypes that can inspire others to reuse and recycle election
campaign tarpaulins.
making prototypes that can inspire others to reuse and recycle election
campaign tarpaulins.
Lucero was quick to point out that tarpaulins cannot be repurposed for certain
applications that could contaminate food or expose young children to chemicals
of concern such as cadmium and lead.
applications that could contaminate food or expose young children to chemicals
of concern such as cadmium and lead.
“Reusing and recycling tarpaulins would have been easier and less complicated
if they do not contain toxic chemicals that are bad for human health and the
environment,” she said.
if they do not contain toxic chemicals that are bad for human health and the
environment,” she said.
Before sending the tarpaulins to partner groups for repurposing, the EcoWaste
Coalition will first screen them for toxic metals through a portable X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF) device.
Coalition will first screen them for toxic metals through a portable X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF) device.
“We’ll use the chemical data to be generated to push for a regulation that will
restrict, if not eliminate, toxic additives in plastic tarpaulins,” Lucero
restrict, if not eliminate, toxic additives in plastic tarpaulins,” Lucero
“Removing such toxic additives is necessary to make tarpaulins easily reusable
and recyclable and less a threat to public health and the ecosystems,” she
and recyclable and less a threat to public health and the ecosystems,” she
The EcoWaste Coalition, a member of the Green Thumb Coalition, works to draw
attention and action on chemicals and wastes as important electoral issues that
candidates and voters should be concerned about..
attention and action on chemicals and wastes as important electoral issues that
candidates and voters should be concerned about..