Companies making
oil-based paint should speed up their shift to non-lead paint production and assure
consumers that their products are safe to use in places where children live,
learn and play.
oil-based paint should speed up their shift to non-lead paint production and assure
consumers that their products are safe to use in places where children live,
learn and play.
The EcoWaste Coalition reiterated its call for lead-free paints after repainting
armchairs that were freshly coated with paints containing dangerous levels of
lead during this week’s Brigada Eskwela.
armchairs that were freshly coated with paints containing dangerous levels of
lead during this week’s Brigada Eskwela.
On Friday, June 3, members of the EcoWaste Coalition went to Isabelo de los
Reyes Elementary School in Tondo, Manila to repaint 50 armchairs painted with a lead-containing
orange enamel paint.
Reyes Elementary School in Tondo, Manila to repaint 50 armchairs painted with a lead-containing
orange enamel paint.
Using a portable X-Ray Fluorescence
(XRF) device, the group detected lead reaching 91,300 parts per million (ppm) in
the orange enamel paint, way above the
90 ppm maximum limit under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) Administrative Order 2013-24, also known as the Chemical Control Order for Lead and Lead Compounds.
(XRF) device, the group detected lead reaching 91,300 parts per million (ppm) in
the orange enamel paint, way above the
90 ppm maximum limit under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) Administrative Order 2013-24, also known as the Chemical Control Order for Lead and Lead Compounds.
Another yellow enamel paint used in some other armchairs was also
found to contain high concentrations of lead at 65,100 ppm.
found to contain high concentrations of lead at 65,100 ppm.
Laboratory tests commissioned by the EcoWaste Coalition in 2012 and 2014 as
part of its campaign to eliminate lead paint found dangerously high
concentrations of lead in orange and yellow paints of the said enamel paint with one sample having
156,000 ppm total lead.
part of its campaign to eliminate lead paint found dangerously high
concentrations of lead in orange and yellow paints of the said enamel paint with one sample having
156,000 ppm total lead.
“We are deeply upset by the continued production and sale of highly leaded
paints that are finding their way into the school system in breach of the government’s
lead-free paint policy in schools,” said Thony Dizon, Coordinator, EcoWaste
Coalition’s Project Protect.
paints that are finding their way into the school system in breach of the government’s
lead-free paint policy in schools,” said Thony Dizon, Coordinator, EcoWaste
Coalition’s Project Protect.
Department of Education Memorandum No. 85, Series of 2016 issued last May 24 directed
schools to use lead-free paints “at all times,” particularly during the Brigada
Eskwela activities.
schools to use lead-free paints “at all times,” particularly during the Brigada
Eskwela activities.
“Repainting the armchairs with a lead-free paint, we admit, is a temporary
remedy. Sooner or later, the paint
coatings, including the leaded paint underneath, will come off and create a lead
hazard requiring immediate attention,” he said.
remedy. Sooner or later, the paint
coatings, including the leaded paint underneath, will come off and create a lead
hazard requiring immediate attention,” he said.
“We therefore urge the national and local government agencies to undertake enduring
and holistic interventions that will protect our school children as well as
their teachers against lead exposure,” he added.
and holistic interventions that will protect our school children as well as
their teachers against lead exposure,” he added.
DepEd, for instance, should conduct an inventory of paints used in this year’s
Brigada Eskwela and evaluate the effectiveness of implementation of the department’s
lead-free paint directive in the country’s public schools.
Brigada Eskwela and evaluate the effectiveness of implementation of the department’s
lead-free paint directive in the country’s public schools.
Children’s developing brains are permanently damaged by exposure to lead, the EcoWaste Coalition said, stressing that
even at very low exposures, lead can cause learning disabilities, lower IQ,
inattentiveness, poor impulse control and aggressive behaviour.
even at very low exposures, lead can cause learning disabilities, lower IQ,
inattentiveness, poor impulse control and aggressive behaviour.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned “there is no known level of lead
exposure that is considered safe.”
exposure that is considered safe.”
“With only few months remaining before the scheduled phase-out of leaded architectural,
decorative and household paints on January 1, 2017, we appeal to paint
manufacturers to stop producing lead-added paints and for paint stores not to
stock up on such paints,” he emphasized.
decorative and household paints on January 1, 2017, we appeal to paint
manufacturers to stop producing lead-added paints and for paint stores not to
stock up on such paints,” he emphasized.
The EcoWaste Coalition likewise urged paint makers to participate in a third
party certification program that will verify and certify that their products
are safe from lead and lead compounds.
party certification program that will verify and certify that their products
are safe from lead and lead compounds.
“This will help consumers identify safer paints and guide them in making
informed choices that will minimize exposures to toxic lead among children and
adults, including the painters,” the group said.
informed choices that will minimize exposures to toxic lead among children and
adults, including the painters,” the group said.