
Photos from the “Lead and Mercury Safe Schools for Bright and Healthy Children” Event at Commonwealth Elementary School,24 June 2014, Organized by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the European Union and the EcoWaste Coalition

Photo 1 by Jhun Dantes

Photo 2 by Jhun Dantes

Photo 3 by Jhun Dantes

Photo 4 by Jhun Dantes

Photo 5 by Jhun Dantes

Photo 6 by Jay Directo

Photo 7 by Jay Directo

Photo 8 by Jhun Dantes

Photo 9 by Jay Directo


Photo 1: Mr. Matthieu, Penot, EU Attache for Energy, Environment and Climate; Hon. Ramon J.P. Paje, DENR Secretary; H.E. Guy Ledoux, EU Ambassador (left to right) with pediatric toxicologist and educator  Dr. Irma Makalinao and Ms. Prexy Longasa and other representatives of the Philippine Association of Paint Manufacturers (partly hidden).

Photo 2, 3 & 4: Hon. Ramon J.P. Paje, DENR Secretary, H.E. Guy Ledoux, EU Ambassador and Hon. Juan Miguel Cuna, EMB Director deliver their speeches.

Photo 5 & 6:  H.E. Guy Ledoux, Hon. Ramon J.P. Paje and other distinguished guests endorse a Solidarity Statement expressing support for action to promote lead-free, mercury-free school environment towards a conducive learning space to nurture bright and healthy kids.

Photo 7:  Environment Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje and EU Ambassador Guy Ledoux join students of Commonwealth Elementary School in promoting children’s health against exposure to toxic lead and mercury that can damage their brains and block their full development.

Photo 8:  Differently abled students of Commonwealth Elementary School mingle with Environment Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje and EU Ambassador Guy Ledoux.

Photo 9: Environment Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje paint a classroom wall with lead-safe Boysen and Davies paints as part of the campaign to make schools safe from leaded paint and dust that can permanently damage the developing brain and cause other adverse health effects.