As the nation observes the Consumer Welfare Month (CWM) this October,
public interest groups urged the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
to strengthen mechanisms for sharing product hazard and safety information as
the region moves towards economic integration.
public interest groups urged the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
to strengthen mechanisms for sharing product hazard and safety information as
the region moves towards economic integration.
The Consumer Rights for Safe Food (CRSF) and the EcoWaste
Coalition jointly called for improved information sharing on product recalls
and product safety-related incidents in line with this year’s theme for the
CWM: “Consumer Protection in the Asean Economic Community.”
Coalition jointly called for improved information sharing on product recalls
and product safety-related incidents in line with this year’s theme for the
CWM: “Consumer Protection in the Asean Economic Community.”
“As various sectors tackle the hurdles towards regional economic integration,
ASEAN member states need to work double time to bolster consumer product safety
regulations to protect consumers from inferior quality and unsafe products,
including those sold in e-commerce, that can put consumer health at risk,” said
Rene Pineda, President of CRSF, a member group of the National Consumer Affairs
ASEAN member states need to work double time to bolster consumer product safety
regulations to protect consumers from inferior quality and unsafe products,
including those sold in e-commerce, that can put consumer health at risk,” said
Rene Pineda, President of CRSF, a member group of the National Consumer Affairs
“In line with the consumer right to know, current mechanisms for
sharing information on products that pose serious threats to health as well as
to the environment should be reviewed and strengthened and be made more publicly
available,” added Thony Dizon, Coordinator of the EcoWaste Coalition’s Project
sharing information on products that pose serious threats to health as well as
to the environment should be reviewed and strengthened and be made more publicly
available,” added Thony Dizon, Coordinator of the EcoWaste Coalition’s Project
A system for more efficient notification and public disclosure
procedures on hazardous and substandard products have become more important as impediments
for cross-border trade are removed, especially with the emergence of on-line
commerce, the groups said.
procedures on hazardous and substandard products have become more important as impediments
for cross-border trade are removed, especially with the emergence of on-line
commerce, the groups said.
The ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection (ACCP) launched in 2012
the website to serve as the main reference point for consumers
on matters pertaining to certain banned or recalled products.
the website to serve as the main reference point for consumers
on matters pertaining to certain banned or recalled products.
The website contains “Lists of Official Recalled/Banned Products
and Voluntary Recalled/Banned Products in ASEAN” based on submissions by member
and Voluntary Recalled/Banned Products in ASEAN” based on submissions by member
The effectiveness of the said website,
the groups said, should be reviewed with inputs from all stakeholders to
determine necessary improvements that should be introduced.
the groups said, should be reviewed with inputs from all stakeholders to
determine necessary improvements that should be introduced.
According to the ASEAN-published “Consumer Protection Digests and
Case Studies: A Policy Guide,” “defective
products impose various
direct and indirect costs
on consumers and the
broader community.”
Case Studies: A Policy Guide,” “defective
products impose various
direct and indirect costs
on consumers and the
broader community.”
“A particular concern in developed countries worldwide (and
increasingly now middle-income
countries), including among ASEAN Member States, has been the influx of low-priced manufactured goods
from major exporting nations,” the report said.
increasingly now middle-income
countries), including among ASEAN Member States, has been the influx of low-priced manufactured goods
from major exporting nations,” the report said.
“ASEAN Member States
are also increasingly
integrated into pan-Asian production chains, with components
being sourced in the region for assembly and
exporting to developed
country markets through
a rapidly growing network of free trade agreements,”
the report also noted.
are also increasingly
integrated into pan-Asian production chains, with components
being sourced in the region for assembly and
exporting to developed
country markets through
a rapidly growing network of free trade agreements,”
the report also noted.