flak from citizens’ groups.
After the CSO Working Group on Climate Change and Development slammed the so-called Copenhagen Accord as “extremely disappointing and useless,” the EcoWaste Coalition today issued a statement conveying its frustration over the inability of the world’s leaders to fix the climate mess.
The EcoWaste Coalition, a network of over 85 citizens’ groups, is addressing the climate change challenge by campaigning for “Zero Waste for Zero Warming” and by promoting low-carbon lifestyle changes.
Here is the statement issued by the EcoWaste Coalition with inputs from the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, Ban Toxics, Buklod Tao, Concerned Citizens Against Pollution, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation-SVD Central Province, MASKARA-Green Stage Filipinas, Mga Anak ni Inang Daigdig, Mother Earth Foundation and the Sagip Sierra Madre Environmental Society.
“We express our outrage and deep disappointment over the failure of world’s leaders to forge a just, ambitious and legally-binding climate deal in Copenhagen despite the science and the public clamor for decisive action to save Mother Earth from the devastating impacts of global warming. It’s a sad time for humanity and a damning indictment of our leaders’ failure as stewards of this earth.”
“Notwithstanding two years of preparations and two weeks of torturous negotiations, the conference failed to agree on a new climate framework and could only meekly “take note” of a controversial non-binding Copenhagen Accord that was negotiated and supported only by few states led by the US and slammed by many other parties as undemocratic.”
“It is truly regrettable that our leaders failed to fulfill their historic and moral duty to craft an ambitious treaty to address the climate crisis with clear and specific greenhouse emission reduction targets and adequate financing mechanism to help developing countries grapple with the effects of climate change and enable their transition to a low carbon development pathway. They could have done better than condemn us and future generations to climate hell.”
“We urge politicians as well as citizens and institutions across the globe to insist on a just, ambitious and legally-binding deal in 2010 to avert the climate crisis from escalating further and causing massive hardship on poor and marginalized communities who will bear the brunt of Copenhagen’s dismal failure.”
“While we await for a new treaty processes to unfold, we call upon our leaders and people to take vital decisions and measures now that will resolutely conserve resources, save our remaining forests and cut greenhouse gas emissions from preventable sources.”
“As we continue to hope and work for a global consensus and action on climate change, we commit ourselves to pursuing sustainable lifestyle changes and Zero Waste solutions, and to advancing clean and renewable energy options for our nation.”