Following Education Secretary Armin Luistro’s
challenge for big donors to consider “total makeover” of schools, an
environmental watchdog group reminded that renovations should be
carefully done so as not to disturb lead paint and disperse toxic dust.
Speaking before real estate business leaders last week, Department
of Education (DepEd) Secretary Luistro proposed that the government-initiated
adopt-a-school program “should now be a total makeover” and not just focused on
the construction of a few classrooms.
“Many of our public schools surely require complete makeovers to make them
conducive for learning, but renovations, especially those involving repainting
jobs, must be done safely,” said Jeiel Guarino of the EcoWaste Coalition’s Lead
in Paint Elimination Project.
“Some of our school facilities may have doors, windows, ceilings, walls,
chairs, tables and play equipment coated with lead paint, so any renovation
work should be planned and done very carefully to avoid disturbing the lead
paint,” he said.
“Disturbing surfaces covered with lead paint by cutting, dry sanding and
scraping or torching will disperse hazardous chips and dust, posing real health
risk to people, especially the young children,” he said.
“Kids can ingest the lead dust, which is often invisible, as they play and put
their hands into their mouths. Lead can also enter their bodies through
the inhalation of lead dust,” he added.
According to “The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right” published by the
US Environmental Protection Agency, “lead in dust is the most common way people
are exposed to lead” and that “lead is especially dangerous to children under
six years of age.”
Lead can
affect children’s brains and developing nervous systems, causing reduced IQ and
learning disabilities, behavioral problems and that even children who appear
healthy can have dangerous levels of lead in their bodies, the guide said.
“Pregnant teachers and school workers exposed to lead may transfer lead to
their fetuses , causing irreparable damage, especially to their developing
brains,” Guarino said.
“Workers not trained in proper lead paint removal can ingest and inhale the
lead dust, and even bring the lead dust home through their work clothes and
shoes,” he said.
The EcoWaste Coalition urged DepEd to work with other government departments,
the paint industry association and other concerned stakeholders in developing a
specific guide to prevent and reduce lead hazards in school renovations.
Considering the commercial availability of unleaded paints, the group asked the
education department to ban the use of lead paint in public and private schools
at all levels and declare the entire school system as “lead-free” zone.
The EcoWaste Coalition cited the need for all government institutions to rally
behind the newly-promulgated Chemical Control Order (CCO) for Lead and Lead
Compounds issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources last
December 23.
The CCO signed by Environment Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje prohibits the use of
lead in the production of food and beverage packaging, school supplies, toys,
cosmetics and other products.
It further sets a threshold limit of 90 parts per million (ppm) for lead
in paints and designates a phaseout period for leaded decorative and
industrial paints by 2016 and 2019, respectively.
Your are working on it.. it's really good .. but be careful .. !!
Lead paint removal