
EcoWaste Coalition Honors COVID-19 Frontliners as Real Life Heroes on the Day of Valor and Maundy Thursday

Today, we join the government and the society in honoring the unsung real life heroes on the front line of the country’s fight against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

“Today, we fittingly pay tribute to all the COVID-19 frontliners on a special day dedicated to honor the heroism of Filipino fighters during World War II, which also falls on Maundy Thursday, a day when Jesus gave a new commandment that we are to love one another,” said Aileen Lucero, National Coordinator, EcoWaste Coalition.

“We honor doctors, nurses and many others performing ancillary services in facilities looking after the sick for their immeasurable sacrifices during the COVID-19 preventive lockdown. We honor them for their heroism and for their unconditional love. At the same time, we express regret for the discrimination, harassment, and stigma that some of them have to contend with, alongside coronavirus patients, from persons lacking in information and compassion,” she said.

“Today, let us also recognize and pay homage to other frontliners who are making it possible for us to carry on with our disrupted lives while we stay home during this health emergency,” she added.

  • Thanks to the farmers, fishers, grocers and vendors for keeping the food supplies flowing.
  • Thanks to the truckers for hauling vital goods from farms and ports to the marketplace.
  • Thanks to the food and water delivery service providers, retailers, pharmacy staff and others for providing us our needs.
  • Thanks to the garbage collectors, street disinfectors and sweepers for keeping the surroundings free of rubbish and disease-causing germs.
  • Thanks to all workers in basic public utilities, money remittances and other key establishments for the seamless continuity of essential services.
  • Thanks to all media practitioners and workers for their coverage of the pandemic and the people’s situations and needs.
  • Thanks to all barangay workers for enforcing the curfew hours, liquor bans and physical distancing, and for the emergency relief assistance.
  • Thanks to all law and order personnel for keeping us safe, including operatives against hoarding and profiteering.
  • Thanks to the designers and makers of protective masks, face shields, and garments for filling up supply shortages.
  • Thanks to celebrities and nameless volunteers for their acts of charity.
  • Thanks to church, school, hotel and facility administrators for opening up their facilities for frontliners, the homeless and the sick.
  • Thanks to funeral home and crematorium workers for giving the fallen COVID-19 victims a dignified departure.
  • Thanks to everyone in the government service for ensuring that the promised social amelioration package reaches all the needy as quickly as possible.

The EcoWaste Coalition thanked them all for their heroism, love, solidarity and for bringing out the best in us, Filipinos, amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
